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Statement by Dr. Arjun Karki in the Substantive Session of General Segment of UN ECOSOC PDF Print E-mail
Friday, 22 July 2011 00:00

Statement by Dr. Arjun Karki, International Coordinator of LDC Watch in the Substantive Session of General Segment of United Nations Economic and Social Council, Geneva, 22 July 2011

Mr. President, Excellencies, Ladies and Gentlemen,

1. I have the honor to deliver this statement on behalf of LDC Watch and Civil Society Organisations involved in the monitoring and implementation of Istanbul Programme of Action. I would like to thank His Excellency Mr. Cheick Sidi Diarra for the excellent presentation of Secretary General’s report in the implementation of LDC Programme of Action and Mr. Nikhil Seth for his thought provoking opening remarks.

2. We recognise the strong efforts of LDC governments under the leadership of Government of Nepal, UN OHRLLS under the leadership of His Excellency Mr. Cheick Sidi Diarra and the Turkish government as host of UN LDC IV to develop tangible commitments in the Istanbul Programme of Action

3. We welcome the attention paid to enhancing productive capacity in the Istanbul Programme of Action and Secretary General’s Report. This is crucial to create jobs for the growing numbers of young people through inclusive policies that capture more value from resources, diversify the economy and build on the strengths of LDCs.

4. We must build jobs and opportunities for the sustainable use of oil, mineral wealth, land, forests and other natural resources. Since we failed to secure additional resources for the implementation of IPoA, we need to make efforts to diversify our economies that require government leadership to build a strong domestic economy, with particular emphasis on creating opportunities for cooperatives and social enterprises, small and medium companies and women-led organisations. The rights of vulnerable and marginalised people must be put at the centre of economic decision-making, with stronger mechanisms for transparency, integrity and accountability.

5. Public investment in human development must not be sidelined in implementation of the Istanbul Programme of Action. Education is crucial for citizens of LDCs to be able to participate fully in economic, social and political life. But formal education levels remain low in most LDCs. Although many LDCs are making progress towards the MDG targets for primary education, this has not translated into opportunities for continuing education at the secondary and tertiary level. This is essential if young women and men are to have the skills to participate as citizens and as skilled contributors to LDC economies.

6. Mr. President, we must learn from our past failures. It is clear that business as usual does not work. We need to be ambitious and forward looking. Otherwise, the commitment that we have made graduate at least half of LDCs by the end of the Implementation of Istanbul Programme of Action is not going to be realized.

7. Mr. President, we are also very much concerned by the recent crisis in the horn of Africa, this is also a challenge for the implementation of IPoA. Therefore, I urge for more focus on vulnerability in the implementation of IPoA rather than only focus on poverty.

8. Industrialised countries must commit to deep, drastic, unconditional cuts in carbon and GHG emissions through domestic measures, to be expressed in international, legally binding agreements within the Climate Convention that contain targets based on science and equity. The pursuit of false solutions must cease. They also need to commit to obligatory, predictable, condition-free, additional, non-debt creating public finance to cover the full costs of adaptation in LDCs, as well as the costs of shifting to sustainable systems – to be part of international legally binding agreements within the Climate Convention. Action is urgent to avoid catastrophic climate change. The Istanbul target to reduce the numbers of LDCs needs to occur because they graduate not because they burn or drown due the impacts of climate change.

9. We call for immediate and unconditional cancellation of all debts of LDCs and a moratorium on debt payments by LDC governments pending debt cancellation. Immediate changes must be pursued in the practices of lending and borrowing to move towards sovereign, democratic and responsible financing.

10. We call for more and better ODA which must be directed towards development effectiveness rather than the dominant aid effectiveness approach. ODA must respect sovereignty and support people-owned policies and programmes, rather being undermined by conditionality. Adequate and predictable sources of finance are needed for the implementation of IPoA.

11. An effective follow-up strategy to the UN-LDC IV Conference needs to be created, implemented and monitored. We call for regular reviews of progress to renew commitments and generate political will. The mechanisms should not only rely on UN processes but include civil society, the private sector and other actors. There must be opportunities for objective assessments of progress, including the submission of reports by civil society, and mechanisms to hold governments, including both LDCs and development partners, to account for their role in fulfilling the aims of the Istanbul Declaration.

12. The participants in the Civil Society Forum in Istanbul have raised their voices and expressed their hopes for the future. They have expressed the need for immediate and effective follow-up to ensure results and delivery on the commitments made in the Istanbul Programme of Action. The remarkable amount of active participation on the part of Civil Society, and their commitment to continue working together for various issues long after the conference, demonstrates their interest and ability to influence change.

13. We will continue our work over the forthcoming decade. We will educate and raise awareness about the crucial challenges facing LDCs and the need for people-centred approaches to development. We will support and mobilise local communities and other citizens to challenge unjust and unsustainable policies and practices. We will play our part in ending the injustice of poverty and suffering. We will continue to work collaboratively with LDC member states, UNOHRLLS and those who share our aims.

14. Thank you very much Mr. President!


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